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Rising Star

Become the manager you wished you had. Test and train your management skills.

In Rising Star, managers can playfully test their management skills and train them in realistic scenarios. In the process, a competence profile is created with strengths and development potential for personal development.

  • Assess management skills
  • Show alternative courses of action
  • Show development options
  • Improvement of leadership skills


Platform: Browser, Mobile
Genre: Adventure
Languages: DE, EN, FR


Executives & Managers
High Potentials & Talents


Duration: 60 – 75 min
Level: basic
License: 1 year

Every day executives – mostly in addition to their professional activity – face many challenges in order to achieve their and the company’s goals: leading employees, coordinating teams, delegating tasks, talking to customers and much more.


Rising Star offers managers the opportunity to test their management skills in a live simulation and to deepen their knowledge and improve skills in the training center. The player experiences a normal working day as a manager in a real estate company and has to solve customer problems with his team. In order to achieve these goals, he is free to gather information in his decisions, to prioritize tasks, to do them himself or to delegate them. The consequences of the actions become immediately apparent.
In the game, the actions are measured, analyzed and recommendations for action are derived. This gives the player the opportunity to reflect on his behavior as a manager and to question patterns of action. An individual management profile is created with options for improvement.
The game consists of a live simulation, a training center and a final test.

Managers learn and practice the following topics:

  • Scheduling and prioritization
  • Leadership
  • Conduct feedback discussions
  • Create and conduct briefings
  • Critical ability
  • Employee motivation

An Adventure by our partner Fabula Games


Branding, Customizing & Individual Trainings

We customize the game-based trainings according to your specific requirements in your unique branding. Together we turn your existing training content into exciting individual serious games.