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Creator Hub

SKILLFIRE is the perfect place to engage your community, create authentic connections with your audience and help them to create real impact.

Share your unique knowledge and skills as a thought leader in exciting and useful learning missions. Whether as a standalone course or as a supplement to workshops, SKILLFIRE adds real value to standout with your offering.

Start today as a creator to engage your community and spark their fire. 🔥


Bring your skills to life

Share your unique passion, experience and skills you gained in your area of expertise. Teach the tools & tactics that worked for you.

Create the resources and AI-powered interactive exercises to enable your audience.

Create Impact

Help your audience to learn from you how to master any challenge in actionable missions and real-life quests.

Inspire and empower them to discover their full potential and to take action for real progress.

Build Community

Create authentic connection with your followers and engage your community.

We build a vibrant community of curious minds and bold forward thinkers.

How it works

You are a thought leader, expert, coach, trainer or creator in the field of personal and professional development.

  1. Apply to become one of our trusted guides and creators. Tell us about your special skills, learning topics and area of expertise.

  2. Together we discuss the learning missions that cover the needs and wishes of our community. We create AI-powered exercises and quests to engage them and develop real skills.

  3. We conclude a business deal that works for all parties involved – you, our community and SKILLFIRE.
Spice up your content. 🤩

Tell your story

Supplement your training offer with interactive gamified stories that motivate and retain your audience.

Your content and their freedom to choose and shape the story will increase relevance and acceptance of the content.

Better together

Create connection

Create authentic connection and engage your community.