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Build Your Human Firewall

Create awareness and train your teams in IT-Security to keep your business safe.

Why IT-Security?

IT-Security is Top Priority in
Digital Transformation

Digital transformation of IT systems, processes and business models makes companies vulnerable to attacks, fraud and sabotage. The Covid 19 pandemic drives transformation efforts and makes new work styles necessary. With more home office there is an additional security threat to businesses and teams. The best security systems won´t help, if your teams are a risk.

Combine a strong IT infrastructure with strong risk-aware and trained teams to keep your business safe.

Why serious games?

Turn Knowledge Into Skills

In serious games your employees not only learn about IT security threats, they actively engage and apply solutions in real-life situations. As a result they act, decide and develop real skills.

Get started today

Let´s talk about your requirements and the game solutions we can offer.